Monday 23 January 2017

V-Model for Equipment Qualification in Details

Qualification is the documented evidence that any equipment is installed as per approved technical specifications, operates as per approved functional specifications and performs as per approved user requirement specifications. The brief flow of the qualification is as follow:    
v  Prior to the equipment or instrument qualification commences any critical equipment or instrument shall have a User Requirement Specification (URS), which is prepared by the user department, projects / engineering department. Copy of URS shall be distributed to all vendors identified through the purchase department.
v  Based on the acceptance / feedback from the vendors techno commercial discussions with different vendors shall be conducted to finalise the vendor. Based on the outcome of techno commercial meeting the purchase department shall generate purchase order and submit to the vendor identified mutually by purchase department and user department / projects / engineering department for procurement.
v  A design qualification / design specifications shall be prepared based on the URS and discussion between the vendor and user department, projects / engineering department.
v  Factory Acceptance Test shall be performed to ensure the equipment is manufactured as required to custom made equipment based on criticality.
v  The equipment / instrument received at the facility / site shall be taken for commissioning and qualification as per the respective procedures.
Following is the V-Model for equipment qualification for basic flow of any equipment qualification:

Following is the process to qualify any equipment but based on the criticality each steps may be modified, clubbed or removed:
1.1      The URS is document which describes the basic requirements of individual aspects of facility, items of equipment, utility and system in terms of function, capacity / output,   operating parameters, control systems and other cGMP / GLP requirements.
1.2      The URS defines the functions to be carried out, the data on which the system will operate and the operating environment. This URS shall describe all essential requirements as described below:
Ø  Basic Information (such as Name of the Equipment / System & Suggested Manufacturers / Suppliers
Ø  Functional Requirements ( such as Purpose of the Equipment / System, Required Capacity, Operating Range, Operational Hours and Environment)
Ø  Operational Requirements:
·               Process Requirements
·               Material of Construction and Finish Requirements
·               Alarms, Interlocks, Safety Features, Access Controls, etc. Requirements
Ø  Others (cGMP / GLP Requirements, connectivity to other equipment / systems etc).
Ø  Documentation Requirements (such as operational & maintenance manuals, qualification protocols & supporting documents, drawings etc.).
1.3      The detailed URS is need not required to be prepared for commercially available equipment / instrument / system.
1.4      The URS shall be reviewed by engineering department for availability and suitability of specifications, QA shall review the URS with respective to GMP norms and approve it.
2.1     Design Qualification is made by Technical Specification and Functional Specifications. The main purpose of the DQ is to provide the documented evidence that all relevant issues based on the requirements of process, product and the cGMP have been considered. Design Qualification provided by the manufacturer shall be verified for requirement of User Requirement Specifications and / or Purchase Order.
2.2      A DQ shall detail and record the structured approach followed. The DQ shall address the nature of the system with specifications. It shall also incorporate the necessary design features for construction, utilities etc. The key design specifications are identified as below:
Ø  Major components design specification includes MOC for critical components
Ø  Process control instruments / devices specifications
Ø  Description of safety features including alarms / interlocks.
Ø  Required utilities with specifications
Ø  System / equipment engineering drawings (Mechanical / electrical).
Ø  Piping and instrumentation diagrams (P & ID).
Ø  Software / PLC specifications including drawings, wiring diagrams etc.
3.1      FAT is carried out only for the critical equipment. For custom made equipment / instrument, Factory Acceptance Test may be conducted at manufacturer’s site by inspection team comprising of representative from Technology Transfer Group / User department and Project / Engineering department to ensure the fitness of the entity for the intended use.
3.2      The purpose is to ensure that all the design criteria and process requirements as laid down in the purchase order / User Requirement specification / Design qualification has been taken care of and when installed at the site of the operation, the entity will perform as designed. Following shall be checked at the time of inspection but not limited to:
Ø  Equipment / system details
Ø  Component verification
Ø  MOC of Major components (Contact parts / Non-contact Parts)
Ø  PLC / HMI is functional
Ø  Calibration certificates
Ø  Control system
Ø  Safety features verification
Ø  Functionality of the equipment / system
Ø  Documentation
3.3      The inspection team shall finally give the clearance for dispatch of the equipment / instrument / system.
4.1      SAT is carried out only for the critical equipment if required. The purpose is to ensure that all the design criteria and process requirements as laid down in the purchase order / User Requirement specification / Design qualification has been taken care of and when installed at the site of the operation, the entity will perform as designed. Following shall be checked at the time of inspection but not limited to:
Ø  Equipment / system details
Ø  Component verification
Ø  MOC of Major components (Contact parts / Non-contact Parts)
Ø  PLC / HMI is functional
Ø  Calibration certificates
Ø  Control system
Ø  Safety features verification
Ø  Functionality of the equipment / system
Ø  Documentation
5.1      Equipment / instrument / system shall be subjected to installation qualification to ensure that all the key aspects of installation adhere to the User requirement specification / design specification, manufacturer’s recommendation. IQ protocol should include, but not limited to the following:
Ø  Identification and verification of the subjected instruments and its major components.
Ø  Identification and verification all process control instruments / measuring devices.
Ø  Identification and verification of the material of construction for major components.
Ø  Identification and verification of all supporting utilities for proper connection.
Ø  Identification and verification of all safety features, if any.
Ø  Identification of standard operating procedures for operation, cleaning and preventive maintenance etc.
Ø  Identification and verification of all supporting documentation.
6.1      Equipment / instrument / system shall be subjected to operational qualification to ensure that system consistently operates within its specified operational ranges. OQ Protocol should include, but not limited to the following:
Ø  Calibration of the critical process control instruments, identified in the Installation Qualification.
Ø  Verification of the Functional Keys; Design parameters; Safety features and interlocking, Sequential operation & Effect of Power failure.
Ø  Verification of the relevant SOPs for their operational adequacy (such as operation, Cleaning, Calibration and Preventive Maintenance etc.).
Ø  Identification of training needs.
Ø  The completion of a successful Operational qualification should allow the finalization of identified Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), Operator training and preventative maintenance requirements.
6.2      Operational Qualification shall be performed only after successful completion of installation qualification (IQ).
7.1      Performance Qualification shall be performed only after successful completion of installation qualification (IQ) and operational qualification (OQ).
Note:     Performance qualification can also be performed along with operational qualification where found appropriate and with proper justification.
7.2      Performance Qualification shall be carried out for all the critical equipment pertaining to manufacturing process, quality control testing activities and utilities.
7.3      This study includes, checking of critical operating parameters with load (Placebo or product) and any other impact shall be evaluated.
7.4      Tests carried out during performance qualification (PQ) shall be targeted to verify the performance requirements specified in the URS are met.
7.5      Verification during PQ shall also be targeted to confirm the cGMP and safety regulations were met. The PQ protocol shall define the objective of test, methodology and acceptance criteria for each test.
7.6      Test using production materials, qualified substitutes or simulated product proven to have equivalent behavior under normal operating condition with commercial batch size shall be carried out.
7.7      Test should cover the operating range of intended process, unless documented evidence from the development phases for controlling the operating range is available.
7.8      If equipment found with some deficiencies, the same shall be addressed in summary report and necessary corrective action shall be followed–up.
7.9      If equipment fails to meet the requirements, the equipment shall be disqualified (Rejected / Replaced). The respective protocol shall be made “Obsolete” and shall be retained with QA.
Note: Based on the criticality and requirement the Installation, Operational and Performance Qualification can be done simultaneously as per the requirement.

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